These are a few pictures of the ceremony. Number two now baptized in Spain with the water of the Jordan River. As you can see Oliver does not like things to be put on his head and by the end of the ceremony he was pretty sick of pictures. Nico as you can see was given a new spiderman action figure right before the ceremony.
On Thursday Oliver had his 2 month check-up and vaccines. The good news is that he has grown well and what used to be 4 shots is now only 3. He was a trooper and only cried for a bit and didn´t have a fever. He now ways 5.675 kilos (12.5 lbs) and is 60 cm long(23.5 ins.).
If you click on the first picture you can see how during the cocktail his face started getting all red...and as a good unknowing mother I took off his wool sweater so he wasn´t so didn´t work.
Here is at the table a bit before we left...he had hives on his face, neck and chest and was red on his face, neck, chest, groin area and between his was itchy.
This is the aftermath of red and some lingering hives at home after an hour in observation at the ER and the first dose of antihistimine. They are going to test him on December 1st to pinpoint what the reaction was from.