Friday, February 26, 2010

Spaghetti anyone...Nico gave me this to eat, complete with plate of spaghetti, spoon and cup.

Oliver hanging out in his saucer.

By the way these are all more recent, within the last month.

Happy Birthday to me...

Los Reyes Magos

As I think most of you know here we celebrate the 3 Wise Men bringing gifts on the night of Jan. 5 and we open then in the morning of the 6th. We all put out our shoes (as is custom) and and water for the camels...and this is what the they left for us.

They also left things at Samuel´s aunts house for us..

Pilar gave Nico a kiss and left a lipstick mark on his forehead.

At lunch with Samuel´s fathers Family.

Oliver Rolls

Okay I thought I should update the blog since my last post was Thanksgiving. When we went to MN we have lots of pictures but they aren´t on the computer so we will start on January 5th when Oliver rolled from his back to his belly the first time. (I know just a little delay) and as you can imagine since then he has become a professional roller from all ways and directions. His new thing is either pushing himself with his arms backwards or with his legs to go forward. I am waiting for him to crawl when his arms are strong enough...right now he can only support himself on hands and knees a few seconds.